Friday, May 21, 2010

Ayn Rand and the Tea Party

I find it curious and a bit amusing that Ayn Rand is the darling of the Tea Party movement. She is a famous  atheist and that is not the case with most Tea Party supporters. I am guessing that Tea Party supporters are not in the liberal category of theists. Her primacy of existence view would not be supported, or even understood, by the vast majority of Tea Party members. 

Thursday, May 20, 2010


The Odd Libertarian Conception of Freedom

But this just highlights what a strange philosophy libertarianism is. While libertarians claims to be driven by a goal of maximizing freedom, what they mean by "freedom" is not what most people take that word to mean. To a libertarian, the only freedom that really matters is freedom from government intrusion. But often, meaningful freedom can only be created through government intervention.